Humanities & Fine Arts

From Communicator Extraordinaire to Extraordinary Career

When it comes to getting an idea across to someone, you're a natural.

You can draw it, you can write it, you can help others explain themselves when they can’t do it on their own. You are a communicator. Now it’s time to plan your future and you know you must keep communicating. Big ideas, small ideas, your own, and those of others. But how?

We got you.

Are you an artist but don’t want to starve? Do a Field Period® with a professional artist whose giant metal sculptures adorn some of the most breathtaking landscapes in the world (you can weld!). Are you a writer with a book in you? Our professors can mentor you from rough draft to published work.

Are you interested in language? From Spanish and Area Studies to ASL-English Interpreting, Keuka College's programs will help you gain fluency and build relationships with users of languages other than English.

You have ideas. Let us help you express them.

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The minimum number of internships you'll have as a Keuka College student


How many of our students we help with the cost of their education

Meet Your Counselor

Enter your zip code and let's see who can help!

Erica Doherty
Kaylen Van Wagner
Morgan Schultz
Courtney Elias
Anna Relf
Amanda DeMaria

Where Can I Work?

Advertising firms
Private/local arts councils
Publishing houses
Company marketing departments
Commercial and media firms
Entertainment industry
Art suppliers
Residential schools for the Deaf
Court Systems
Social media organizations
Sports teams

What Can I Do?

Advertising Manager
Arts Administrator
Art Therapist
Book Designer
Business Interpreter
Exhibit Designer
Graphic Designer
Teacher for the Deaf
Web Designer
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The Communication Studies program taught me how to be a strong, dedicated, and confident woman in the sports and news broadcast field.

Without the interactions and life skills I got from my major, I don't know where I would be today.

I am so grateful that I chose Keuka College.

Danielle Alred '15